Fascia of the Respiratory System

Discover & Improve your Breathing Potential through the Interconnections of Fascia

Get the Fascia of the Respiratory System Course

Respiratory Fascia

Get all the insights into the respiratory fascia connections from your legs to your brain.

Nervous System Influences

Find out how the breath - fascia relationship influences all aspects of the Autonomic Nervous System.

Postures & Movements

Learn the do's and don'ts of posture and get practice principles to improve your breathing.

Why Learning More about Respiratory Fascia is so Important.

Breath is important. We know that.

The real questions is: Can we be better off with more efficient, easier breath?

When we approach our breath influences from a perspective of fascia connections, we can see that just breathing goes well beyond the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
This course teaches you that breathing well, means you can balance your energy levels, your nervous system state, the efficiency of your digestive system, the clarity of your thoughts and even improve your posture.

All these effects are the result of taking advantage of your existing fascia connections of the respiratory system.
Studying this course delivers the explanation why we have options how to breathe. In part this has to do with our posture, anti-aging practices and also a clearer comprehension of the respiratory muscle formation.

The three dimensional connections of the respiratory fascia link up the comfort in the lower back with organ functions and how well we can deal with stress.

You will learn in this course how to make simple adjustments  to your breath, your posture and your mental state for profound results.

Learning all this is a breeze with over 27 easy to follow videos and accompanying PDF downloads. The content of this Fascia of the Respiratory System Course is grouped into ten chapters for ease of comprehensions on reference.

Topics include:
- Functional respiratory system anatomy
- The fascia environment of the respiratory system
- The three dimensional function and connections of the diaphragm
- Fascia organization in the lungs
- Respiratory fascia and the heart
- Fascia and breath connections to the Autonomic Nervous System
- Fascia and respiratory system connections to organs and digestive tract.
- Posture patterns that influence tension in the respiratory fascia
- Practice principles to free the respiratory fascia and expand the breath

When you take this course you can feel more confident you are making the most of your breath. Choosing your breathing style for specific results will become clearer, while you get to build a stronger core and improved lower back support from good breath patterns.

This course has 3.5 hours of video content. You can begin at any time and learn at your own pace for best use and integration of this important material.

Yoga teachers can take this course for 5 CE continuing education hours with Yoga Alliance.

The NEW Fascia of the Respiratory System Course

Add value to every pose, movement and practice for yourself and your students by incorporating the principles and actions of this respiratory fascia course.

Get the Fascia of the Respiratory System Course Now

Thank you for the enlightenment. I had a few breakthroughs by taking this class that have helped my yoga practice improve & benefited my daily life in general.

Anne V.
 Yoga teacher

Got questions?

We are confident this course offer lots of valuable content to improve your breath understanding, breath practice and integration into your movement practice. 

You can write to us by clicking below to find out how this course can help you.

Use this link also to contact us about group and school pricing.

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